The vein diagnosis and treatment are carried out by dr Ryszard Łupinski, PhD. He gained his professional experience in leading departments in Poland, South Africa, Asia, New Zealand and Australia, where he learned the latest techniques in varicose vein treatment.
He published number of papers in well recognized medical journals worldwide. He is a member of Australasian College of Phlebology, Australian and New Zealand Society of Phlebology and prestigious Society of Industry Leaders (USA). Dr Łupinski also was a volunteer with Singapore Red Cross relieve mission to Sumatra (Indonesia) after tsunami disaster and the most tragic earthquake in recent years.

Selected publications:
1. Lupinski RW.
Aortic Fat Pad and Atrial Fibrillation. Cardiac Lymphatics Revisited.
ANZ Journal of Surgery 2009 Jan-Feb. 79; 70–74
2. Lim YP, Lupinski RW, Chua YL.
Blunt Cardiac Injury.
Chapter in Acute Surgical Management, 2004:191-199
3. Lupinski RW.
Lymphatic aneurysm of the heart.
Lymphology 2004;37:141-150.
4. Lupinski RW, Shankar S, Agasthian T, Lim CH. Mancer K.
Primary Cardiac Paraganglioma.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2004;78::43-44.
5. Lupinski RW, Agasthian T, Lim CH, Chua YL.
Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration Simulates Posterior Neurogenic Tumor.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2004;77:2203-2204
6. Lupinski RW, Shankar S, Wong KY, Chan YH, Vosloo S, Moll JJ.
Cor triatriatum - report of 18 cases and review of the literature.
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 2001; 9:106-10.
7. Lupinski RW.
Lymphatic Aneurysm of the Heart in South African Bantu.
Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2004;20:43.
8. Lupinski RW, Vosloo S.
Association of annular subvalvular left ventricular aneurysm in children with
tuberculosis - a possible etiological relationship.
Cardiovascular Journal of Southern Africa. 1996; August ( 4):212-217.